Resources and research
Free autism diagnosis
The private, online psychiatry services listed below hold NHS contacts to provide free autism diagnosis to adults registered with a GP in England, via the right-to-choose (RTC) pathway, without the need to go on an NHS waiting list. Find out more.
Psychiatry UK
Clinical Partners
Skylight Psychiatry
Oakdale Group
Problem Shared
Solutions 4 Diagnostics
Private diagnosis
Psychiatry UK (see above) charges £900 for private adult diagnosis. The Adult Autism Practice (link below), which is based in Ireland but works online across the whole of the UK, charges £940 and offers payment plans. Fees for other private providers can range from around £2,000 to £3,000. At Clinical Partners (above) adult autism assessment costs £2,250. (Prices checked in July 2024.)
The Adult Autism Practice
The National Autistic Society
This leading charity offers advice, information, training and support to autistic people and their families.
The National Health Service
The NHS website provides information on autism and getting a diagnosis, which now takes between two and four years in many areas. What it won’t tell you is that you don’t have to wait that long. If you live in England, you have a legal right to be referred by your GP for private diagnosis paid for by the NHS (see Free diagnosis, above).
The UK’s leading autism research charity is a good source of information about autism and co-occurring conditions.
There are several autism groups on Facebook. The kindest and most supportive I’ve found is ‘Autistic Women UK – Late Diagnosed (40+)’. Others include ‘UK Autistic Women’s Support Group’ and ‘Adult ADHD/Autism Diagnosis – Right to Choose Support – in England’.
A comprehensive explanation of what ‘autistic spectrum’ actually means.
Embrace Autism
An information site compiled by two Canadian autistic women. Not everything applies to the UK but it’s still useful, particularly as it contains a comprehensive range of autism tests, including the CAT-Q, which measures masking.
A free online magazine for autism news and expert research.
I’m currently compiling a list of autism podcasts to recommend. If there are any you especially like, please let me know via the Contact page. At the moment, I’m enjoying Meet my Autistic Brain by my US Autistic Woman counterpart.
Underdiagnosis in older adults
Researchers from University College London used the rate of autism diagnosis among ten-to-fourteen year olds in England (2.94 per cent) to calculate that there could be a staggering 1.2 million adults in the country with undiagnosed autism. That’s 1.4 million across the UK as a whole. Published in The Lancet, 26 June 2023.
The male-to-female autism ratio
This study of all individuals born in Norway between 1967 and 2011 found a male-to-female diagnosis ratio of 2.57 among adults. This compares to the UK’s clearly outdated NHS figure of ten males to every female. Published in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 8 September 2021.
Autism and premature death
Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet say autistic people’s risk of premature death is about 2.5 times higher than that of the general population, and autistics without intellectual disability have a particularly high risk of death by suicide. Published in The British Journal of Psychiatry, 11 November 2015.
Picture: Pawel Czerwinski.