Welcome to the Autistic Woman blog
Grounded by travel policies
When I renewed my annual travel insurance the other week, it didn’t cross my mind to mention that I’m autistic.
Battling for a diagnosis
I was born tired. Always fragile, always awkward. It never occurred to me it meant anything. I thought I was weak, that if only I tried harder…
Time for a personal story
Over almost forty years as a journalist, I never put myself in the story, and I rarely spoke about my strange upbringing. Then everything changed.
What we’re up against
I was talking to a brain surgeon the other day (yes, really, albeit a recently retired one) and he said some disturbing things about autism.
The clinics peddling poison
News reports about a so-called doctor offering stem-cell treatments to ‘cure’ autism in children have left me raging.
We’ve got autism outside in
Ever since autism was recognised, it’s been defined by the way it appears to and affects others, rather than by how it impacts us, as autistic people.
Employment isn’t working
The economy is tanking with unfilled jobs everywhere, yet fewer than a third of autistic people are in work. For everyone’s sake, something has to change.
Teaspoons to tackle migraine
I’ve had so many migraines recently I had to buy teaspoons in the January sales. Bear with and I’ll explain the connection.
The view from inside our minds
At last a theory of autism that makes sense – and it was developed by people who actually know what they’re talking about.
Autism tests don’t add up
Autistic girls and women could be missing out on diagnosis because the most commonly used test isn’t designed for us.
Time the NHS came clean
The number of adults in England waiting far longer than they should for autism assessment has increased by almost 70 per cent in the past year.
Why are we dying?
Autistic people of all ages are dying long before they should. But it isn’t autism itself that’s killing us.
If shelves could speak
What do your bookshelves say about you? A casual browser might be struck by your love of the classics, niche interests or soft spot for racy romances, but could they also tell if you’re autistic?
More of the same is good
Blue is my favourite colour. It makes me think of bright skies and wide-open seascapes, movement, hope and possibility. It also makes me think of new shoes.